General information
The Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programe is an EU funded Programme (from the European Regional Development Fund-ERDF). The programme goal is to develop the border area between the two countries by financing joint projects. The total budget of the Programme is 258.504.126 euro (out of which 215.745.513 euro ERDF). The projects are financed: 85% ERDF, 13% state (Romania and Bulgaria) contribution and 2% own contribution.
The funds are allocated to 6 directions (priority axes):
1. A well connected region (96,450,936 euro);
2. A green region (63,454,564 euro);
3. A safe region (48,225,468 euro);
4. A skilled and inclusive region (17,767,279 euro);
5. An efficient region (12,690,913);
6. Technical assistance (19,914,966).
The eligible area:
Romania-seven counties: Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta;
Bulgaria-eight districts: Vidin, Vratsa, Montana, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra, Dobrich.
Interreg represents a main goal of cohesion policy which aims to promote a harmonious economic, social and territorial development of the Union as a whole. Interreg is built around three strands of cooperation: cross-border (Interreg A), transnational (Interreg B) and interregional (Interreg C). European Cross-Border cooperation, known as Interreg A, supports cooperation between NUTS III regions from at least two different Member States lying directly on the borders or adjacent to them.
It aims to tackle common challenges identified jointly in the border regions and to exploit the untapped growth potential in border areas, while enhancing the cooperation process for the purpose of the overall harmonious development of the Union. The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions and focuses its investments on several key priority areas, known as 'thematic concentration: innovation and research, digital agenda, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), low-carbon economy. Under the European Territorial Cooperation programmes, at least 80 % of funds are concentrated on these four priority areas mentioned above.
Programme Bodies
The Managing Authority (MA)
The Managing Authority bears the overall responsibility of the Programme. The Managing Authority also has taken over the role of certifying expenditures. Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration was designated as Managing Authority.
Head of Managing Authority: Mrs. Iulia HERTZOG (email:
Communication officer: Ms. Simona VĂTAFU (email
Phone: +42 242 313 091 Fax: +40 242 313 092
National Authority (NA)
The National Authority is the Bulgarian counterpart of the Managing Authority and is represented by the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
Head of National Authority: Ms Maria DUZOVA (email:
Phone: +359 294 05 277, +359 2 94 05 697
Fax: +359 2 987 07 37
1202 Sofia, 17-19 Kiril and Metodiy str.
Joint Secretariat (JS)
Joint Secretariat is established within Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for Romania-Bulgaria Border and has an antenna in Ruse. It assists the programme management bodies in carrying out their respective duties and provides support to the beneficiaries. All correspondence related to projects implementation should be addressed to the Joint Secretariat.
Head of Joint Secretariat: Mr. Bogdan MUȘAT (
Communication officer: Mrs. Doina CREȚU (
Phone: +42 242 313 091
Fax: +40 242 313 092
Audit Authority (AA)
The Audit Authority is responsible for ensuring that audits are carried out to verify the effective functioning of the management and control system of the Operational Programme.
President of the Audit Authority (Romanian Court of Accounts): Mr. Aron POPA (email:
Monitoring Committee (MC)
The MC is formed of representatives at national, regional and local level from both countries, supervises the Programme and is responsible for its strategic decisions. The chairmanship alternates between the two Member States on a yearly basis.The list of MC members is available here.
First Level control
Each Member State designated first level control structure for eligibility verification of expenditures made by beneficiaries under Priority Axis 1 - 5.
For Romania
Head of Controllers: Mr. Sandu Șerban (
Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for Romania-Bulgaria Border
Phone: +40 242 313 091
Fax: +40 242 313 092
For Bulgaria
Head of National Authority: Ms Maria DUZOVA (email:
Phone: +359 294 05 277, +359 2 94 05 697
Fax: +359 2 987 07 37
1202 Sofia, 17-19 Kiril and Metodiy str.