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Lead beneficiary

UNIVERSITY OF RUSE ANGEL KANCHEV (UR) – is an autonomous state higher school that was accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency for a six–year period with the grade – 9,28 out of 10. The University of Ruse is a full member of the European University Association, the Danube Rectors’ Conference, the Visegrad University Association and the Interuniversity Center-Dubrovnik. UR offers 49 Bachelor, 90 Master and 43 PhD programmes and has modern study halls and research laboratories with a total area of 67490 m2. The University of Ruse is presented in this project by several members of the Telecommunications Department. Their main research areas include IP networks, data, image and video processing, communication systems and processes, virtualization technologies, storage area networks, multimedia technologies and systems, wireless communications, web-based systems, social networks, mobile technologies, etc. The team has previously participated actively in several national and in several CBC, ERASMUS, MUNDUS and TEMPUS projects and have worked in Human Resources Development Operational Program projects. Team members have previous experience in the area of the autonomous aerial imaging platforms and the systems for 3D reconstruction of objects.


RUSE REGIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY (RRMH) – The Rousse Regional Museum of History conducts its cultural activities on the territory of the District of Rousse. It is established on January 1st, 1904, as a museum collection at the Boys’ High School. The museum fund contains over 150 000 pieces of cultural valuables. The museum develops its activity in relation to the preservation and exhibition of the movable cultural valuables, the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and research of the history and nature of Northeastern Bulgaria. Rousse Regional Museum of History has gained experience in participating in Cross-border Cooperation projects which have added value to both archaeological and ethnological research of the Cross-border region. It participated as a partner in the European funding projects "Venus on the Lower Danube" (2008) and "Together for a common future" (2009). A catalogue, an international travelling exhibition, ethnological research were realized. "The Bishop's Residence from the Late Middle Ages – Archaeology, Education and Tourism"(2011-2012) and The Danube Limes in Northeastern Bulgaria"(2013-2014) projects were implemented by the Museum as a lead beneficiary, financed by American Research Center in Sofia and America for Bulgaria Foundation.

MUSEUM OF NATIONAL HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY CONSTANTA (MNHAC) – MNHAC, founded more than 130 years ago, it is currently the depositary of an impressive cultural heritage some artefacts being unique in Romania and SE Europe. Besides Constanta headquarters and the Roman Edifice with Mosaic, MNHAC also disposes of regional museums, usually placed next to archaeological sites included in Dobrudja touristic itineraries. MNHAC has various objects of activity, related to scientific research, cultural, educational and editorial activities. MNHAC has a patrimony of more than 45000 pieces and archaeological sites of great historical value, dating from Prehistory to Contemporary times (Treasury of Sculptures from Tomis, the city of Histria, Roman Edifice with Mosaic, the Painted Tomb in Tomis, Tropaeum Traiani). Our scholars have great expertise in researching, preserving and promoting national cultural heritage, acknowledged at international level by participation at various scientific meetings each year, conducting archaeological researches on our systematic excavation sites and writing scientific studies. Since 1968, MNHAC has published the prestigious journal Pontica, whose scientific value is also upheld by renowned scholars.